What We Offer
No two schools are the same
We get to know your students, staff, and school to find solutions that work for your community. We commit to collaborate to find equitable outcomes for your school. You wouldn’t want a teacher giving the same handout to all students. Your consultant shouldn’t either.
Sometimes, looking in the mirror is hard
We will serve as your mirror. We will be honest with what we see and hear, and equally honest about what we are not seeing and not hearing. You deserve the hear the truth about your school. We do this in service of students and their families.
We talk the talk because we walk the walk
You can expect follow up from us on agreed action items, both on our end and yours. We enter into partnerships that’ll result in change, not ones that make us feel good. At the end of the day, feeling good does not ensure equitable education— change does.
Professional Development Offerings
Our PDs are practice based— we will lean into a particular skill and ensure your staff walks away with the ability to execute the skill. Often, PDs talk about a topic instead of actively practicing. Not us: We don’t talk about practice, we practice. The following is a sampling of the PD sessions we have faciliated since 2013:
Whole School Professional Development
Vision Planning
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)
Classroom Systems and Routines
Parent/Care-taker Communication
Staff Culture Trainings
New Teacher Professional Development (sessions and/or developing a year-long New Teacher Scope and Sequence Plan)
Clear Directions, Do-Nows
Body Positioning and Classroom Scanning
Creating Clear Classroom Expectations and a System for Enforcement
Advanced behavior management techniques
Least Invasive Techniques for Strong Classroom Culture
Restorative Conversations (see sample handout here)
Tiered in-class teacher/student conversations
Dean of Students/Culture Coaching
What are the mindsets of a leader? How do these mindsets impact our work?
Dean’s Office Organization
Office Set-up and Management: Physical Space, Systems and Routines
Data Management and Analysis to inform practice
Utilizing Deans’ List software to maximize efficiency
Student Referral Reflections
Post-referral follow up for staff and families
Student Conversations
Processing of Referrals
Successful Return to Class Protocol
Alternative to Suspension Professional Development
Consequence Matrix Training and Development
In School, Non-Suspension Consequences
Infraction-Based Reflections (see sample here)
Detention Reflections (see sample here)
Educator Organization
Taming the Email Beast: A two-hour PD which teaches educators how to walk away with 0 emails in their inbox at the end of each day.
Short v. Long Term Planning
Personal Organizational Systems
In-Person Coaching (in-class teaching/teacher management/school culture/systems)
Including resources on personal/school organization, whole-school coaching platform.
Whole-School Audit (a 30 point school-based inspection, covering operations, culture, academics, and staffing)
Including action steps for areas of growth.